
Bc. Alice Heinzová
IČ: 09642498
based Závodní 1626, 735 06 Karviná
Contact info:
email: alianasgold@gmail.com
tel: +420 777 531 388


Tyto všeobecné obchodní podmínky (dále též VOP) platí pro nákup v internetovém obchodě https://alianas.cz/, který je provozován Bc. Alicí Heinzovou, IČ: 09642498, se sídlem Závodní 1626, 736 06 Karviná. Tyto VOP upravují vztahy mezi Kupujícím a Prodávajícím v oblasti prodeje zboží mezi Bc. Alicí Heinzovou, IČ: 09642498 , se sídlem Závodní 1626, 736 06 Karviná (dále jen „Prodávající“) a jeho obchodními partnery (dále jen „Kupující“). Veškeré smluvní vztahy jsou uzavřeny v souladu s právním řádem České republiky. Kupující podáním objednávky potvrzuje, že se seznámil s těmito obchodními podmínkami, jejichž nedílnou součást tvoří reklamační řád, a že s nimi souhlasí. Na tyto obchodní podmínky je Kupující dostatečným způsobem před vlastním uskutečněním objednávky upozorněn a má možnost se s nimi seznámit.



Prodávajícím je Bc. Alice Heinzová, IČ: 09642498, se sídlem Závodní 1626, 736 06 Karviná.


The buyer is a consumer or entrepreneur. A consumer is a natural person who, when concluding and fulfilling the Purchase Agreement with the Seller, is not acting as part of his business or other business activity or as part of the independent exercise of his profession. At the start of business relations, the consumer only provides the seller with their contact information, which is necessary for the smooth processing of the order, or the information that they want to have on the purchase documents. Legal relations between the Seller and the consumer not expressly regulated by these GTC are governed by the relevant provisions of Act. No. 40/1964 Coll., Civil Code and Act No. 634/1992 Coll., on consumer protection, both as amended, as well as related regulations. Entrepreneur means: a person registered in the commercial register (primarily a trading company), a person who does business on the basis of a trade license (a trader registered in the trade register), a person who runs a business on the basis of a non-trade license according to special regulations (this includes, for example, single a profession such as advocacy, etc.), and a person who runs agricultural production and is registered in accordance with a special regulation. Legal relations between the Seller and the Buyer, who is an entrepreneur, not expressly regulated by these General Terms and Conditions or the Agreement between the Seller and the Buyer, are governed by the relevant provisions of Act. No. 513/1991 Coll., the Commercial Code as amended, as well as related regulations. The Seller's Individual Contract with the Buyer is superior to the terms and conditions.


The order is a draft of the purchase contract, which is created at the moment of acceptance of the purchased goods by the Buyer. The Buyer agrees to use remote means of communication when concluding the Purchase Agreement. The Seller is not obliged to enter into a purchase contract with persons who have previously materially breached their obligations towards the Seller. The listed prices are in CZK and are final. 


Veškeré nakládání s osobními údaji Kupujících se řídí v souladu se zákony ČR. Kupující svým svobodným rozhodnutím (stiskem tlačítka Odeslat Objednávku ) dává najevo, že si je vědom všech výše uvedených skutečností a souhlasí s dalším zpracováním svých osobních údajů pro účely obchodní činnosti provozovatele tohoto e-shopu. Osobní údaje Prodávající nepředává žádné další osobě. Výjimku představují externí dopravci, kterým jsou osobní údaje zákazníků předávány v minimálním rozsahu nezbytném pro doručení zboží. Poskytnutí osobních údajů je dobrovolné, Kupující má právo na přístup ke svým údajům a náleží mu ochrana práv v rozsahu stanoveném zákonem. Tento souhlas může Kupující kdykoliv písemně odvolat. Osobní údaje jsou plně zabezpečené proti zneužití. Správcem osobních údajů poskytnutých za účelem plnění předmětu smlouvy je Prodávající. Pokud si Kupující přeje opravit osobní údaje, které o něm Prodávající zpracovává, může jej o to požádat na emailové adrese alianasgold@gmail.com.

The buyer acknowledges that for the purpose of concluding the purchase contract, its subsequent fulfillment (processing the order, ensuring production and delivery of goods) and possible settlement of rights from defective performance (complaints), the administrator will process and store in accordance with the regulation of the European Parliament and the Council (EU) 2016/679, General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data (hereinafter referred to as GDPR), his personal data in the following scope: name, surname, address, e-mail and telephone number (if necessary, add other data that will be processed - payment data, etc. ).

The legal basis for the processing of personal data is in accordance with Article 6 paragraph 1 letter b) GDPR performance of a contract to which the buyer is a contracting party.

Category of recipients/recipients of personal data

The administrator undertakes not to provide the buyer's personal data to entities other than the following processors:

  1. a) to the contractual carrier chosen by the buyer in the order form, for the purpose of delivering the goods, while the data will be provided in the following scope: name, surname, address, e-mail, telephone number;

Storage limit

Personal data will be stored by the administrator for the period necessary to fulfill the contract (order processing, stock removal and delivery of goods) and for the duration of the statutory guarantee (24 months from the receipt of the goods) or for the duration of the contractual guarantee.

The buyer acknowledges that, according to § 31 of the Accounting Act (No. 593/1991 Coll.), the administrator is obliged to keep accounting documents and accounting records (invoices) for a period of 5 years starting from the end of the accounting period to which they relate (that is, if you purchase goods during 2023, the invoice must be kept until the end of 2028). The administrator also has the obligation arising from § 47 of the Act on the Administration of Taxes and Fees (No. 337/1992 Coll.) to keep the invoice for a period of 3 years from the end of the tax period in which the tax liability related to the invoice arose (that is, if you purchase goods in during 2023, the invoice must be kept for tax purposes until the end of 2026). The invoice contains the following personal data: name, surname and address.

The buyer also acknowledges that, according to § 35 of the Value Added Tax Act (No. 235/2004 Coll.), the administrator is obliged to keep tax documents for a period of 10 years from the end of the tax period in which the performance took place (that is, if you purchase goods during 2023, the invoice must be kept until the end of 2033). The tax document contains the following personal data: name, surname and address.

Buyer's rights in relation to personal data

The buyer further acknowledges that according to Articles 15 to 21 GDPR, he has the right to:

a) for access to personal data, which consists of the right to obtain from the administrator a confirmation as to whether or not personal data concerning him are being processed and, if so, he has the right to obtain access to this personal data and to the information defined in the article 15 GDPR;

b) to correct inaccurate personal data concerning him, further taking into account the purposes of processing, the buyer has the right to supplement incomplete personal data, including by providing an additional statement according to Article 16 GDPR;

c) to erasure ("the right to be forgotten"), which consists in the fact that the administrator deletes personal data concerning the buyer without undue delay as soon as they are no longer needed for the purposes of fulfilling the contract, unless there is another legal reason for their further processing ;

d) to limit the processing of personal data in cases defined by Article 18 GDPR;

e) on the portability of data according to the terms of Article 20 GDPR;

f) object to the processing of personal data according to Article 21 GDPR.

Upon request, the administrator will provide the buyer with information on the measures taken in any case within one month of receiving the request at the latest.

In case of doubts about the processing of personal data, the buyer has the right to contact the Office for the Protection of Personal Data, which is the supervisory authority in this area, and file a complaint with it.


The Buyer is entitled to send the order to the Seller only through the e-shop ordering system. The proposal for the conclusion of the Purchase Agreement is the placement of the offered goods by the Seller on the website, the Purchase Agreement is created by the sending of the order by the Buyer, the consumer and the acceptance of the order by the Seller. The Seller will immediately confirm this acceptance to the Buyer by an informative email to the specified email address, but this confirmation does not affect the formation of the Contract. The resulting Agreement (including the agreed price) can be changed or canceled only based on the agreement of the parties or on the basis of legal reasons. These General Terms and Conditions are drawn up in the Czech language, while the purchase contract can also be concluded only in the Czech language. A consumer who has a permanent residence in a member state of the European Union outside the territory of the Czech Republic, or who is a citizen of a member state of the European Union outside the territory of the Czech Republic, by confirming the order agrees to conclude a purchase contract in the Czech language. After the conclusion of the purchase contract, it is not possible to find out whether errors occurred during data processing before placing the order, or to correct these errors. The concluded purchase contract is archived by the Seller and is accessible to the Buyer upon request within a period of 5 years from the date of its signature.


The offer and prices displayed on the seller's e-shop are contractual, final, always up-to-date and valid for as long as they are offered by the seller in the online shop. Shipping costs are listed in the "Delivery time and delivery conditions" section. The costs of using remote communication means are borne by the Buyer. The final calculated price after filling out the order form is already included including the shipping fee. The price specified for the goods at the time of ordering the goods by the buyer applies as the price at the conclusion of the Agreement between the seller and the buyer. The tax document based on the Purchase Agreement between the Seller and the Buyer also serves as a delivery note. The buyer can generally take over the goods only after full payment, unless otherwise agreed. In the event that the Buyer makes the payment and the Seller is subsequently unable to ensure the delivery of the goods, the Seller will immediately return the performance to the Buyer in the agreed manner. The deadline for returning the spent funds depends on the chosen method of returning them, but it must not exceed 30 days from the moment when this impossibility arose. The goods remain the property of the seller until full payment. The seller accepts the following payment terms:

  • Online payment via Card
  • Online platba bankovním převodem

The due date for payment on an invoice is 14 days from the date of issue, unless the contracting parties agree otherwise, whereby the Buyer is obliged to pay the amount so that it is already credited to the Seller's account on the due date of the invoice, otherwise the Buyer will be in default.


Online payments for us are handled by the payment gateway Comgate. The service provider, ComGate Payments, a.s., is a licensed Payment Institution operating under the supervision of the Czech National Bank. Payments made through the payment gateway are fully secured and all information is encrypted. Further information and contacts at www.comgate.cz. www.comgate.cz.


The seller fulfills the delivery of the goods by handing over the goods to the buyer, or by handing over the goods to the carrier, thereby also transferring the risk of damage to the goods to the buyer. The availability of the product is always indicated in the detail of the given product. Delivery time depends on product availability, payment terms and delivery conditions, and is a maximum of 30 days. We ship the goods that are in stock within 3 working days from the payment of the full amount of the purchase price, i.e. from the crediting of the relevant amount to the Seller's account. For goods that are made to order, the delivery time depends on the information given in the product details after payment of the full amount of the purchase price, i.e. after crediting the relevant amount to the Seller's account. Along with the shipment, the Buyer will receive a tax document/invoice. The goods are sent as valuable writing via the Czech Post or Zásilkovna, provided that the value of the product does not exceed the amount of CZK 5,000. The service of valuable writing and the Post Office is provided by the Seller free of charge. 

Personal collection is possible in the showroom at Haštalská 27, Prague 1. The collection date depends on the type of product ordered, the availability of the product is always indicated in the detail of the given piece of jewelry. Products that are in stock will be available for pickup no later than the next business day. For goods that are made to order, a specific date will be specified.


Při prodeji spotřebního zboží je záruční doba 24 měsíců. Je-li na prodávané věci, jejím obalu nebo návodu k ní připojeném vyznačena v souladu se zvláštními právními předpisy lhůta k použití věci, skončí záruční doba uplynutím této lhůty. Záruka se nevztahuje na opotřebení věci způsobené jejím obvyklým užíváním. U věcí prodávaných za nižší cenu se záruka nevztahuje na vady, pro které byla nižší cena sjednána. Jde-li o věci použité, neodpovídá prodávající za vady odpovídající míře používání nebo opotřebení, které měla věc při převzetí kupujícím. V souladu s platným právním řádem České republiky není Kupujícímu, který je podnikatelem a zboží nakupuje v souvislosti s podnikáním, poskytována záruka na zboží mimo obecnou odpovědnost Prodávajícího za vady zboží při jeho předání. Kupujícím, kteří jsou podnikateli a kupují zboží v souvislosti se svou podnikatelskou činností, je poskytována záruční doba 12 měsíců. Pro uplatnění záruční opravy je potřeba předložit fakturu. V případě zaslání zboží Prodejci je nutné zboží zabalit pro přepravu takovým způsobem, aby nedošlo k jeho poškození během přepravy. Prodávající poskytuje Kupujícímu pozáruční servis. Opravené zboží bude Kupujícímu zasláno prostřednictvím České pošty, přičemž k ceně opravy zboží bude účtováno poštovné ve výši 150,- Kč.

VIII. Complaint

The warranty period is 24 months for natural persons, 12 months for legal entities. The invoice serves as a warranty card. The warranty does not cover wear and tear of the goods caused by their use. The buyer is obliged to file a claim immediately after the defect has occurred. In the event of a demonstrable manufacturing defect, the Buyer has the right to repair or replace the goods. Complaints do not apply to the following cases: if a defect or damage has arisen as a result of demonstrable improper use, in violation of the instructions for use or other improper behavior of the Buyer and demonstrable unauthorized interference with the goods and defects that have arisen as a result of normal wear and tear of consumer goods. For goods damaged in this way, the Seller can repair the goods for the agreed amount, if the repair is possible. Claimed goods must be sent properly packed to prevent damage during transport. The costs associated with sending the claimed goods to us are borne by the Buyer. In the case of a positive settlement of the claim, the repaired or replaced goods are sent back to the customer at the Seller's expense. The maximum time for processing a complaint is set by law at 30 days.


Due to the nature of the conclusion of the Purchase Agreement through remote communication, the Buyer, who is a consumer, has the right to withdraw from this Agreement without any penalty within 14 days of receiving the goods. Furthermore, the Buyer, who is a consumer, has the right to withdraw from the Contract in accordance with Section 53, Paragraphs 7 and 8 of Act No. 40/164 Coll., Civil Code, as amended. The above does not apply to the Buyer who is an entrepreneur and concludes the Purchase Agreement in connection with his business activity. Furthermore, the above does not apply to goods that have been created or modified to order.

In the case of the aforementioned withdrawal from the contract, the Seller will send the purchase price to the Buyer's bank account, which for this purpose the Buyer will inform the Seller and return the purchased goods to the Seller. The Seller has the right to withdraw from the Contract if the Buyer does not pay the full amount of the purchase price within 30 days from the date of conclusion of the Purchase Contract. If the Buyer returns the goods to the Seller within 14 days, the Buyer pays the shipping costs.


The Buyer will allow the Seller to fulfill its obligations in accordance with the Offer/Contract, for which it will develop all necessary cooperation. The Buyer undertakes to cover all costs incurred by the Seller by sending reminders and costs associated with the collection of any claims. The Buyer acknowledges that the Seller is entitled to assign its claim from the Contract to a third party. The Buyer shall immediately inform the Seller of a change in his identification data, no later than within 5 working days from the day on which such a change occurred. The parties undertake to use their best efforts to amicably resolve all disputes arising out of or in connection with the Agreement and/or GTC. The mutual obligation relationship of the contracting parties is governed by the legal order of the Czech Republic, in particular by Act No. 40/1964 Coll., the Civil Code, as amended. For the purposes of contracting with an international element, in accordance with Article III. Regulation No. 593/2008 on the applicable law for contractual obligations, adopted by the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union on June 17, 2008 (hereinafter referred to as "Rome I"), that they chose Czech law as the applicable law for the Purchase Agreement and these GTC, namely excluding the application of the "UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods". Article VI of Rome I, concerning consumer contracts, is not affected by this choice. In the event that any provision of the Agreement and/or GTC is or becomes or is found to be invalid or unenforceable, this will not affect (to the maximum extent permitted by law) the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions of the Agreement and/or GTC. In such cases, the contracting parties undertake to replace the invalid or unenforceable provision with a valid and enforceable provision that will have the same and legally permissible meaning and effect as the intention of the provision to be replaced. As a matter of legal caution, the contracting parties hereby declare that, for cases of contracting with an international element, for any cases of disputes (with the exception of disputes for which the exclusive jurisdiction of the arbitrator is given and/or in connection with them) or for cases in which the final decision of the court would find, that the authority of the arbitrator is not given here according to this article of the GTC, that in accordance with Article 23 of Council Regulation (EC) No. 44/2001 of 22 December 2000, on jurisdiction and the recognition and enforcement of court decisions in civil and commercial matters, the negotiator the exclusive jurisdiction of the municipal court in deciding all future disputes from the Contract and/or GTC and/or in connection with them. Also, the contracting parties hereby establish the exclusive jurisdiction of the municipal court for all disputes in connection with the Agreement and GTC (with the exception of disputes in which the exclusive jurisdiction of the arbitrator is given and/or in connection with them). These General Terms and Conditions become valid and effective on March 25, 2020 and are also available on the Seller's website. The Seller is entitled to change these GTC at any time. The General Terms and Conditions then cease to be valid and effective on the date of entry into force of the later General Terms and Conditions.


Except for cases where withdrawal from the contract is expressly agreed upon, the Buyer-consumer cannot withdraw from the contract for the sale of gold or silver without giving a reason, as the price of these goods depends on fluctuations in the financial market independently of the will of the supplier, all in accordance with § 53 paragraph 8 of Act No. 40/1964 Coll., Civil Code, as amended. The seller is registered with the Hallmark Office, registration number: 14992/1 – Alice Heinzová

Currently used Czech hallmarks for gold, silver and platinum goods.